This is version 1 of the Teacher Aide Pro Demo, which was originally released in April 2011.
Recently, July 21st 2013, version 2 of the app was released with many improvements. Version 2 only supports Android 4.0 and above, so if your device qualifies you should download Version 2 Demo (see link below)
Version 2 Demo can be found athttp://goo.gl/KrlS37or the long link below
★★★YouTube Video Playlist for Various App Features★★★http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0109AD0EA001E9AAApp Features
★ default values set to Present for fast attendance
★ import student names via CSV file
★ export data via CSV generated file send via email or to Dropbox (THE CLOUD)
★ 1-click text to students/parents for tardy/absent students and missing assignments.
★ 1-click Random student generator (no more popsicle sticks)
★ Grading interface to allow recording of assignments using Yes/No/Missing, Points, Letter Grades, Percent.
★ Generate PDF file for attendance and grade reports.
★ Print reports directly to Google Cloud Printer from app.
New Features added all the time.
Explanation for some Permissions
SMS - Allows user to send bulk text message to parents and students
CALL Phone - Call parents/student right from the Appj Contact List
INTERNET - Send bulk email to parents/students from app without having to confirm 1 at a time
READ CONTACTS - Allows the user to save or load student/parent contacts from the device contact list. Your contact data is not accessed unless you request the app to do so and the contact data is only used within the app.
I am a high school science teacher in the San Francisco Bay area and want to keep the app as useful and simple as possible. Please send suggestions toinpocketsolution@gmail.comKeywords: Attendance, Teacher, School, Roster, SIS, Gradebook, grades, TA, Teacher assistant, professor, coaches, team, sport, grading, gradebook, gradebook, schoolloop,